Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive


6:35 PM 0 comments

Thought i'd share some classics.

Fun Facts: Can you guess how many people in the world has died from weed?..

That's right.. There is zero deaths directly related to weed WORLDWIDE.

More than 20000 people die from Alcohol a year in the US alone.
Each year, a staggering 440000 people die in the US from tobacco use..

Now that you know

can any smoker, alcohol drinker tell me why not to smoke weed?

Learning is Fun.

Say Whats Real

5:36 PM 1 comments

"And Everybody Talks, And Everybody Listen
And Somehow the truth just always comes up Missin"

I was lost in auto-tune until i heard HIP-HOP again.

Drake - Say Whats Real.